Kaliti, Ethiopia

The project refers to the design and construction of the civil and electromechanical works for the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Kaliti, which is under the frame of a greater environmental upgrade project of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa.

Sika Abyssinia Ethiopia

Project Requirements

The design of the project, will ensure the necessary sewage treatment so that the final effluents can be used for irrigation purposes, disposing at the same time the minimum possible operational and maintenance cost of the electromechanical equipment.

The main challenge that our products had to solve was related with quality construction joints and anchoring. Moreover, our products had to provide impermeability to the concrete used in the construction.

Sika Solutions

Sika proposed Sika Waterbar, Sika® Anchorfix-1, Sikaflex® PRO-1, Sikaflex® Construction, Sikadur®-31 for waterproofing, sealing and bonding.

Project Participants

AAWSA (Addis Ababa Water & Sewerage Authority)

AKTOR, Contractor: AIKTOR