Addis Ababa , Ethiopia

The Addis Ababa national stadium is built on a vast area in eastern part of the city. It includes the main stadium of 60,000 seats for athletics events, concerts, religious and natural festivals and a sports village comprising indoor and outdoor aquatic centers, sporting halls, residential complexes and commercial zones.

Project Requirements

The stadium consists of four levels, one floor underground and three floors above ground. The customer asked for waterproofing and flooring works for seat area and wet area places.

Sika Solutions

For waterproofing, Sika has proposed Sika Seal® -105, a two component polymer modified slurry which combine the crystallization action (pore block) and the waterproofing capability of polymer.

For the seat area, Sikafloor®-400 N was applied. It’s a one-component, UV resistant, highly elastic, moisture curing polyurethane waterproof membrane.

Project Participants

Government of Ethiopia

MH Consulting Engineers PLC

China State Construction Engineering Corporation

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